Embrace The Emotion…

Posted: April 9, 2011 in Uncategorized

This morning marks the last official training run for the Marathon Coalition TEAM.  It’s the convergence of two diametrically opposed emotions.  The excitement of the approaching Boston Marathon is palpable, the sadness of an incredible journey is drawing to a close.  Being a running coach is very similar to be a teacher…I’m on the verge of seeing my students graduate.

I’ve witnessed the incredible impact the Boston Marathon has on runners and that’s the perfect capstone to a training season.  Looking back to the first TEAM meeting seems so long ago.  I’ve witnessed a complete transformation from a group of people who were uncertain whether they could complete the 26.2 mile journey from Hopkinton to Boston to a unified group of runners filled with anticipation and confidence.  Nervousness and uncertainty are constant companions leading up to the marathon…even for veteran marathoners.

Our training is about to cross the threshold from the comfort of training to the reality of the race.  It’s time to embrace all the emotions that occur in the final days before the Boston Marathon!

  1. Cheryl Reed says:

    Didn’t make it to all the Saturday runs, but I was a little sad today on the drive home. Can’t believe that part is over already):

  2. Cheryl,

    This stage of the training season is somewhat bittersweet. However, as I indicated at training yesterday, 90% of the excitement of our 5 month training occurs in the final week:-)


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